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Fresh Salmon Fillets (1lb)

Price : £12.50
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Product Description

Estuary Fish supply, Fresh Salmon Fillets which have been hand cut so you get prime fillets with no tail, no flap, no bones and with skin-on. Salmon is a useful source of Omega 3 and protein. Our salmon is landed at UK ports and rushed for processing so it arrives with you as fresh as the day it was caught. The salmon fillets are vac-packed to retain freshness for delivery to your home.

Storage: Can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 days in the original packaging or stored in the freezer to be consumed within 6 months. Defrost in the fridge overnight.

Estuary Fish Online source a wide selection of fresh fish including cod, lemon sole, salmon, plaice, seabass, skate, and swordfish from local sustainable sources.




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