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Leigh on sea IQF Cockles (KG)

Price : £18.00

Estuary Fish Online have been supplying cockles for more than 60 years when all the cockles used to be raked by hand in Leigh-on-Sea. They were collected into baskets put into the hold of the cockle and carried on yokes around the fisherman’s necks. Today our cockles are individually quick-frozen. The modern IQF method involves sending the individual cockles on a conveyor belt into a blast-freezer that freezes the cockles very quickly. Because the cockles are separate when they go in, they stay separate after they’ve been frozen. They arrive as fresh as the day they were caught and are delivered to your door.

IQF Cockle Storage: Keep frozen thaw by

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4oz Tub, 6oz Tub, Kilo Bags, lb Packs


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